

And to which of the angels has he ever said, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet"? - Heb 1:13

Christ has enemies. This is such an obvious statement, but so hard for me to reckon. Of course he has enemies, and of course that means I as a little Christ (IE, Christian) should have little enemies too. Why is it so hard to grasp that and embrace it as a part of life? Why do I still, after almost 12 years of being in Christ, try to live my life without being offensive?

This, by the Lord's grace, is my 30-year-old resolution. I will stop being a people-pleaser. I will follow Christ even to the point of having enemies. Note, however, that my goal is not to have enemies. My goal is to follow Christ. In the process, I will inevitably offend and irritate people. Oh well. I would rather have my Lord tell me "well done good and faithful servant" than have people applaud me for my political correctness and inoffensiveness.

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