

The year of waiting is finally over. We have a buyer for our house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Count the exclamations--that's really how excited I am about this.) The purchase agreement is all signed by both parties, and the buyer's inspection is complete but we have to wait 2 days to see if they have any issues with the inspection. And we now find out that our Truth in Housing report never got filed with the city. In fact, we never received a copy of it ourselves. Thankfully we have proof of payment, so the inspector is going to re-inspect ASAP. It's quite strange that after 13 months of selling the house, we're the ones holding up the process.

And by the way, we're planning on loading up a U-Haul Saturday morning May 10 and will be looking for volunteers to help. I know I can't carry a queen-size bed by myself and won't be expecting much help from my 6-month pregnant wife.