
Bye Bye Civic

This little red car served me well for 7 1/2 years, and now it's gone. Oh the memories... I remember driving up to the North Shore for a small group retreat a few weeks after buying it. And falling in love with gas station cappucinos on my morning commute. And Mikey and me washing our cars in the drive on nice Saturday afternoons in SLP. Lots of road trips back to Illinois. And it was usually there to drive me home from the airport after a business trips. I hauled bikes on top for many mountain biking adventures. I picked up Rhema in this car. And this little red car picked up my now wife for all our dates. And for those who know how I dirve...I surprisingly didn't get any speeding tickets in the little red (want-to-be-sports) car.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty much the same car as mine... Mine's a 2000 EX, same color red. I plan on continuing to drive that thing until it dies.

tex said...

2000? So new :) I wanted to keep it until it died, but we needed to get something bigger with baby #2 arriving. So I get to upgrade to a 4-door 2002 Corolla, which I also plan to drive until it dies. And Steph can drive the minivan (until it dies).