
Tires Are Here

Just a quick update...
My airfree tires finally arrived. I ordered them August 13, and they finally showed up today, September 29. That's just two days shy of 7 weeks, when the website says they ship in 1-2 days and take maybe 2 weeks to arrive. I wrote a dozen emails, called a dozen times, and submitted half a dozen order updates through their website--none of my emails were ever answered, they returned one phone call, and responded 3 times to the website requests (but none of the responses were helpful).

The review.....
Unfortunately I have not had a chance to really try the tires out yet since they arrived 15 minutes after finishing a 30 mile ride. I did put them on and rode around the block. My initial impression is that they feel just like regular tires.

At this point, I think I would highly recommend the product itself, but would highly discourage anyone from ever doing business with the Airfree Tires company. Go straight to the source Nu-Teck, or a different distributor.

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