
Rude People

Is it too much to ask that a person acknowledge your presence when you say "Hi"? Because of the expected hot and humid weather today, I got up early and took Mowgli for a run before work. I was trying to be friendly and greet my fellow lakers with a smile and "Good Morning." Most people responded...or were clearly wearing headphones and didn't hear me. But what excuse do people have for not even grunting when you know they heard me? It's not like I went to their house and rang the doorbell at 6:45 and expected them to be cheery. They were voluntarily walking around a lake. Maybe it's just that people are so unfriendly that they just don't know how to let out a little huff of air and say "hi." Even a grunt would have been better than the "you're not there; I don't see anybody; just pretending to be alone in a big city."


Anonymous said...

Just so you know, if I ran into you in person, I would be happy to grunt at you.

EP said...

It could be like happened to me... someone unexpectedly said hi to me and it took a moment for it to register and by the time I did I had already walked past the person.

I felt bad and thought about going back and explaining, but then I felt like that might be making too big of a deal of the situation.

Or it could just be they don't like to say "hi" back... either way, I get annoyed when people don't respond, as well.