Runner's Knee
I suspected it...and now I have a doctor who confirmed it: I have runner's knee. What I didn't expect to hear him say was that I actually have it in both knees! I knew my left knee is bad--that's the whole reason I went to see the doctor, but my right knee? Well, in hindsight, I'm not surprised. Everything I've ever read about runner's knee mentions "clicking" in the knee. Well I never thought anything of it since my knees have clicked every time I've stood up since I was about twelve.
The good news is that my case isn't very bad. I have to say I did a good job of listening to my body on this one and seeking treatment at the first sign of a problem (well except for that clicking for 18 years) and not waiting until it was debilitating. What's the solution? Oddly enough, more least different exercise. I need to strengthen my inner thighs and stretch my outer thighs so my knee cap will track in a straight line. I can also put on a funny brace to help--but that's just a Band-Aid, not a solution. I can also do whatever doesn't cause pain--biking with high cadence, possibly running on flat surfaces, swimming.
Now comes the debate of whether physical therapy is worth the $15 copay. I know what I need to do, I have a gym membership, and I know how to find all sorts of stuff on the I'm guessing I'll hold off for a while.
My hope: Doing these strengthening & stretching exercises will balance my legs out better and I'll come out of this injury stronger and faster than ever!
I've always thought you were a little weak in the inner thighs. Wish I would've spoken up sooner.
You might want to try some yoga, bro. Beck and I have been attending this "power stretching" class at our health club and it's essentially yoga. There are some movements that really help you to strengthen your balancing muscles. Might help, dunno.
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